Friday, January 18, 2008


I just finished watching a movie from the Spiritual Cinema Circle. This circle sends me five movies a month which I get to keep. Included are one feature film, one documentary, and two shorts. All of them have some kind of spiritual content and most of them are very good. (
The movie was called 5 wishes. It centered around asking yourself a question,
"If I was on my deathbed now, what would I feel had been missing from my life?"

The main character answers " I would have wanted to have a loving lasting relationship with a woman." This is also true for me about having a loving lasting relationship with a man. That is what I have always wanted and if I was on my deathbed today it would be what was missing. I talked to my boyfriend about the movie on the phone tonight. I have been working on opening my heart more fully to him and to our relationship. I told him I want to have a loving and lasting relationship and I want to have it with him. He said he wanted that, too. He has been the one holding the faith about our being together. Although, I have been full of fears and doubts, I always return to the awareness of the deep love that we share. Tonight I feel so grateful for that love.
If you were on your deathbed what would you want to have had in your life that you don't yet have? What might be the next step toward moving in that direction?

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