Monday, October 13, 2008


The enneagram, as many of you know, can be used as a psycho-spiritual map of nine personality types. Hurley and Donson, two local enneagram teachers, created a system of three centers and the enneagram. The three centers are thinking ,feeling and doing. Each point on the enneagram overuses one of these, is supported in this overusing by another of these and represses the third one of these. I resonate most with point four which is called the Tragic Romantic or the Individualist or the Artist depending on whose book you are reading. I use the numbers one through nine because that is simpler than the names. The four, for example overuses feelings, is supported in that overusing by thinking and represses doing. That means I hang around thinking about my feelings a lot and am challenged by doing. A seven in the enneagram overuses doing, is supported in their overdoing by thinking and represses feeling. Sevens spend their time doing and thinking about their doing and are challenged by feelings.
I often say that my thinking to doing time is quite long. So, several years ago I decided it would be a good idea for me to have a website. Last November I decided I wanted to have a website. I have learned to cut myself a lot of slack, setting reasonable goals that take into consideration that doing is challenging. I set the goal of having a website by December of 2008. On my last trip to Valley View Hot Springs in July I met Mike Blevins, a web designer.
I liked him a lot. It is important to me to do business with people whom I feel
good about working with. Otherwise it doesn't work. He did a great job and I highly recommend him. He was patient,creative, listened well and was willing to work with me to create a beautiful website. I think we both spent way more time and energy than we thought it would take and the result is well worth it. It was a major doing project for me to get clear about how best to express what I do. Mike is also a really good photographer. Gary, my partner, designed the logo, which is such a whimsical expression of being in sacred circle held in love. He was helpful all along the way. My friends Smokey and Graham looked over the site and gave really good suggestions. I appreciate all of the great help. My website is now complete and I am really happy to let people know about all of the work I so love to do. Please check it out at and let me know what you think. I am excited to share it with you.
So, as you look at thinking, feeling and doing, what center do you overuse, which one supports that overusing and which one do you repress? What could be a goal to bring your repressed center more into balance?

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