Monday, August 4, 2008

To blog or not to blog

Even though it is late and I am tired, I want to write this blog. Tomorrow is a very busy day and I don't think I will have time to write. Rather than skipping a day I want to write this tonight and publish it in the morning. My brain is a little fuzzy and I am making a lot of mistakes. Maybe the best thing to do is to go to bed and trust that I will find time to write tomorrow or not.I don't like it when I say I will do something like write every other day and then I don't. Is it a matter of cutting myself some slack and not writing and being O.K. with that or of pushing through my fatigue and seeing if the blog that emerges is worth publishing. When I am tired my inner critic gets louder.I am asking it to step aside for a moment while I write this. It is stepping aside.Can you believe it? I am opening to the fun of writing knowing that my brain isn't operating optimally.Maybe not having an optimal brain isn't such a bad thing. The thing that's wonderful about the creative flow is that when I push myself a little and stretch beyond my resistance,the energy of the flow itself carries me. I almost feel like this blog is writing itself. I wonder what it is going to say next? It seems to be saying nothing. I have nothing to say. Nothing nothing nothing.Is it O.K. to have nothing to say? Probably it would be good to take this nothing and go to bed with it.I wonder if I will dream of nothing.What would that be like? A big black screen with nothing on it. Would it be pleasant or unpleasant? Does it matter? What does matter? Does it matter if this blog has deep inherent worth or it is O.K. to tell the story of writing this blog until the story is over. I think this blog is telling me to go get my toothbrush and go to sleep. It is a wise blog. I am listening. Sweet dreams.

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