Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Enneagram subtypes

The enneagram is a powerful tool to develop compassion for yourself and others. It is a map to explore the personality self and to reclaim essense or all that we are. There are nine personality types in the enneagram. If you don't yet know which type you resonate most with and are interested, you can go to or org. There is good information and a free test.
In the enneagram map there are three subtypes beneath each type. Subtypes are instinctual energy that lets us know where we most put our time and attention. You don't have to be sure of your type for the information about subtype to be useful. The three subtypes are:
Self-preservation- That is when most of your attention goes toward time , money and energy. Will I have enough money? There isn't enough time. How can I find the energy to do what I need to do? Self- preservationist subtype people often carry big purses or briefcases so they are always prepared with everything they might need.
Social: That is when most of your attention goes into groups. Am I accepted in groups? What do other people think of me? It may include people who hate groups and focus time and energy on avoiding social interactions in groups.
One to one: This is a focus on one to one relationships especially primary romantic relationship. What is wrong with my partner? Why don't I have a partner? Is my partner trustworthy?
Everyone has all three and they are ordered by where you most put your time and attention. Is is often easy for people to know what their first subtype is because they are so focused on it. Worry is especially focused there. Because so much energy is focused on the first subtype it is often unclear which is second or third. My first subtype is clearly one to one. That is where most of my obsessive energy goes. I think my next one is self-preservation and my last is social. I seem to be more focused on time money and energy than I am on groups.
Remember this is instinctual energy- our knee jerk reactions that bring us away from the present most often.
This is why I am writing about subtypes today. I thought it might be useful to look at what your main subtype might be. I notice when I am obsessing about my primary relationship it is a signal to me that I am off-center. One on one types can also worry about not having a primary relationship or how awful past primary relationships have been. At those times I am caught in knee-jerk reactions dictated by my reptilian brain. So, if you think you lead with self-preservation, notice when you are lost in your stories about lack, spinning out of control and bring yourself back to your breath. If social is your main subtype, notice when you are caught up in presenting your image to a group or worried about what you should have said or not said in a group.Observing these runaway thoughts uses the enneagram subtype map to let us know our inner dinosaur needs soothing so we can access higher mind. From higher mind it is possible to relax and problem solve. Whole brain posture is a good place to go when the witness lets you know that your mind is running wildly away from the present. From whole brain posture see if you can get to the feeling underneath the story- usually fear- and breathe into it. As it begins to release, say a soothing statement to yourself like,"I am here for you. Everything's going to be OK" It is you know.

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