Friday, July 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Monnya

In yiddish there is a word called kvelling. My mother used to use it. She once used it to describe how proud she felt after experiencing my ex-husband and I teach a workshop with a women's group she was part of. It means that your heart is filled with loving pride toward another person. People use it to describe an event that really moved them. My daughter Monnya and three other wonderful women have been leading a week long camp for girls. The camp included aerial dance( hanging from the ceiling on fabric and dancing in the air) and vaulting( acrobatics on a moving horse). There were also crafts projects and writing stories. The presentation for the parents of the girls was today and Monnya invited me to come. I'm so glad I got to be there. What a joy it was to see what my daughter is doing with her life. She lives full out and is providing a model for these girls to find their passions and live them. It was so cool to see these girls flying through the air, reading their wonderful stories and then creating a dance about them and moving confidently on the back of a huge horse. Monnya said that if she could have done a camp like that when she was a kid she would have been in bliss. Now she has created this opportunity for 16 appreciative girls. My daughter is such a graceful humble strong leader. I am kvelling. My heart is full.
Do you remember a time when you felt so proud of another person that your heart filled up with love? What a great feeling. I am grateful. I am grateful to to get to share this life with my daughter. She will be 23 tomorrow. Happy Birthday Monnya. May your year be filled with love.
Thanks to all of you for listening to me kvelling about my daughter. I really appreciate it.

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