Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"getting stupid"

There is a state of mind I call "getting stupid". It is as if a little elf has pulled a black curtain across the part of my brain that functions on a linear cognitive level. It is hard for me to access my intellectual resources from that place. My short term memory isn't very accessible. When I go to the coat closet in my mind where the words are kept someone has stolen all of the coats. If I judge myself for being stupid and think it is happening because there is something wrong with me, it gets even more difficult to think clearly. The anxiety created by self criticism thickens the black curtain. Now I am two steps away from accessing the neural pathways that allow me to process information. In my fear a familiar story arises that there is something wrong with me and with my brain. I am realizing that it happens when I am not grounded in my body. It is happening right now. There is enormous resistance inside of me about writing about this phenomenon. I can feel the power of shining the light of awareness and compassion on myself about "getting stupid" and sharing it with you. I am breathing deeply now and focusing my awareness on my body, especially my hands and feet. As I relax and move into my body the fear dissipates. My ego is very protective of its territory. It doesn't want me to look at this one. It would rather that I judge myself for being "spacey" and leave it at that. Mindfulness and compassion threaten the ego. I want my ego to know that it gets to come along for the ride. I am not trying to kill it off, but rather to embrace it into all that I am. How do fear and anxiety contribute to "getting stupid" ? How do rushing and a sense of urgency make worse. How can i committ to slowing down ?I want to explore this state of mind more and bring curiosity to"getting stupid" . Can you relate to this? Would you be willing to explore this phenomenon for yourself?
Let's support each other in breathing and grounding ourselves in our bodies and shining the twin lights of mindfulness and compassion on our own minds .I'd love to hear from you about any of this.

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