Wednesday, September 30, 2009


This is the color of the flowers I saw walking along the river in Breckenridge. The flowers seem very vivid today because the sky is overcast. We have had four days of beautiful weather with clear blue sky and temperatures warm enough to hike in a tee-shirt. On Monday it was Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement. I got to celebrate in my temple, which is nature. Sitting beside a clear green mountain lake with a 360 degree view of snow dusted jagged mountain peaks Gary and I asked for forgiveness. When we finished a large group of sparkling diamonds of light began to move across the water in front of us. It moved from the far end of the lake to the shore closest to us. It seemed as if the universe was smiling and saying yes. I am grateful to have found my sanctuary within myself and from the mountains and to be able to share that sanctuary with Gary.
I went to a yoga class in town this morning at 8. I am really glad I went because when I got there I discovered that this was the last day yoga was being offered in the space. I had planned to take a class each day for the rest of my time here. It was a lovely class and I did sun salutes for the first time since I hurt my wrist. Doing yoga can be such a joyous experience. I am grateful that I listened to the voice that woke me up this morning and urged me to do what I needed to do to get to the class. I think a year ago I would have let the studio closing be a big disappointment. It was a small disappointment. It let me know I have made progress in letting go of attachment. Yoga is a form of worship for me. I will now continue to worship in the comfort of our condo. It is good to appreciate what I have and to let go of the form it appears in. Would you be willing to do an exercise today to let go of the form of what shows up for you and to take it in and be present with it? Also notice any disappointment and see if you can show up for yourself being disappointed.

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