Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Yesterday on my walk I noticed the bright white quarter moon showing up in contrast to the clear blue of the daytime sky. I have always felt very connected to the moon. Sometimes I even go out and howl at it. When I take out the trash at night I attempt to remember to focus on the moon and be comforted by it.
As I walked each time I would move away from being present I would look up at the moon and remember who I am not. I am not my obsessive thoughts or my judgement about my obsessive thoughts. I am not the critical voice in my head telling me I am walking wrong, living wrong, loving wrong. I am not the part of me that is so focused on what's going on inside of me that I miss the crisp beauty of the warm winter day and the sound of the river. I am not the voice that says there is something wrong with me because I missed those things. When I look up at the moon I smile because the moon knows I am not all of that even though it is all a part of me. The moon knows me as a sister. We are part of the same sky. The moon accepts me as I am and cuts me some slack. It takes me seriously and then invites me to giggle. The daytime moon has a lot to teach me. It didn't have a plan of showing up in the sky today. It just did it because it was there to do. It didn't think,"Wait a minute it's daytime, I'm not supposed to be showing up for this." It just showed up in all of its glory and didn't give a hoot whose vision of reality she tilted. I thank her for tilting mine. When I left the park she was behind me and I decided to visualize her to bring me back to the present. It's called the virtual moon practice. I realized I could have the moon in front of my eyes whether she was in front of my eyes or not. Today on my walk there she was again. She reminded me by her presence that my presence is sacred and ultimately all I have to connect myself to all there is. I am grateful. Where are you with the moon? She is waiting.

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