Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I am feeling kind of revved up about my trip. I am very grateful to be able to go on vacation for a week. As I said yesterday this will be my last blog until I return on the 20th unless I get inspired to write on vacation. I love writing this blog and it will be good to have a break.
In my PSYCH-K support group tonight we worked together on our individual goals and our group goal. The group goal is to have fifty people at the next PSYCH-K introductory workshop. It is amazing to me what happens when ten people come together and pool their energy. Being held in the support of a group is quite powerful. It is as if we are all working toward each other's goals. We each have a buddy who we stay in touch with at least once a week. It is so good to be accountable to another person. I know my buddy is available if I feel stuck or to cheer me on. My book is blooming as we speak. I think I found an editor that I like. She is reading the book in the next week while I am gone. I am starting to be able to see my book in the hands of many people. They are excited about what they are learning from it. I am starting to get that I really do have something to contribute to people who are challenged by their relationship with food and their bodies.
I realized that I have been using food to ground myself. Today I have been practicing breathing into my body and being aware of what I am sitting on if I feel either too much into my head or too much into the clouds. I want to be able to feel connected to the universe and grounded in my body at the same time without eating unwanted food to get there. My intention is to remember to breathe into my body while preparing to leave on vacation and carry that into the week ahead.
Is there something you would like to get support with from a buddy? Could you think of someone in your life that you'd like to approach to join together to help each other reach a certain goal or intention? Two people working toward manifesting each others' intentions so much more than doubles the energy. It is sometimes challenging to ask for help. We have to push through our worries that we are bothering people and our fears that we don't deserve support and have to do things alone. Remember every time you ask for help it gets easier to do it the next time. The people I feel the closest to are the ones who make themselves the most vulnerable with me. They are the ones I feel the safest being vulnerable with myself. If you want to, schedule a plan to check in with this person at least once in the next week. It's important to have a plan so that it actually happens.
I look forward to writing again on the 20th or maybe the 21st. I want to be gentle with myself if I'm tired the night I get home. I hope you are gentle with yourself this week.
Love to you,

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