Thursday, March 19, 2009


My sister is visiting and tonight we went to eat in a restaurant. Her chicken was pink inside and she asked to speak to a manager because it didn't look cooked. The manager came over and sat down in our booth. He made great eye contact and attentively listened to her concerns. He validated that he understood where she was coming from. Only then did he offer an explanation. The chickens come frozen and although they look pink they are fully cooked. He said that other people have complained of the same thing and that they are looking at changing the chicken order or discontinuing the menu item. He offered to make her something else. Then he comped the first order and only charged us half for the second. I was very impressed with the way he did business. We felt heard and cared about. He was present and sincerely wanted to help.
Last week when I bought my car I had an enjoyable experience. Everyone was very low key and helpful. I appreciated doing business with people who weren't trying to hard sell me. I was free to get in touch with my desire to buy the car. My energy was behind it because I didn't have to be resisting someone else's pressure. I appreciate being treated respectfully as a consumer. These two events have made me feel more hopeful about the way things are economically right now. In these two cases it seems to me that the business people got it that customer service was one thing they could offer to set them apart from others. Being treated fairly and kindly creates satisfied customers who make referrals of friends and family. Treating customers like fellow human beings is a good business practice. I make it a practice to notice the people I am doing business with and to acknowledge and appreciate when I am a satisfied customer. Appreciation encourages respectful treatment for myself and others. The more people feel appreciated for their behavior the more likely they are to repeat what they are doing. Have you had a positive experience as a consumer lately? Would you join me in being on the lookout for positive consumer experiences? It is always a good idea to seek out opportunities to experience gratefulness. Gratefulness increases our vibratory rate and therefore our sense of well-being. I am so grateful to you, my readers, for giving me this forum to speak my truth. Thank you.

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