Friday, March 6, 2009


Yesterday I received a coaching session from Allison Taylor,who is the facilitator of my PSYCH-K support group and a PSYCH-K instructor. She is a master at helping people move through what's in the way of being congruent with their goals. We started out focusing on my book and what's in the way of my seeing myself as a published author. That led to balances about accepting my hearing as it is. For years I have resisted accepting my hearing as it is, because I thought that meant being resigned to it never changing. Now I can see that accepting my hearing as it is is a great relief because it means opening up to what is. Being present with what is about my hearing helps me to let go of the scary story I tell myself about the future. Before when someone joked with me about my hearing I have reacted with anything from stoic silence to hurt to irate anger. Accepting my hearing as it is allowed me to lighten up about it. Today someone joked and I laughed. Lightening up about my hearing and moving my focus off of worrying about it allows me to relax and when I relax I actually hear better. What Carl Rogers said is true," Accept yourself as you are. Then you can change."
Yesterday I read this quote by Cheri Huber, "The first step we can take toward living in acceptance instead of resistance is to accept that we resist" That was true about my accepting my hearing as it is. Is there something in your life that you'd like to accept yet are resisting? Would you be willing to take the first step and accept the resistance?
After balancing other issues we ended with "I easily give and receive boundless love. " Today I experienced waves of love moving between me and other people. I am grateful to Allison for her skill in supporting me in clearing the space for my boundless love.
If you have an interest in learning more about PSYCH-K, Allison is offering a PSYCH-K Basic Workshop Saturday March 21st and Sunday March 22nd from 9:30 to 5:30. PSYCH-K has helped me to move through many obstacles to a deeper richer experience of my life. Most of the people who I have practiced PSYCH-K with have found it to be extremely useful in creating more satisfying lives. I highly recommend this workshop and Allison as an instructor. After this basic workshop you can practice PSYCH-K with yourself and with others. Allison can be reached at 303-956-2280 or

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