Friday, October 17, 2008


I spent the afternoon walking with my nephew. For the first six years of his life he lived in Denver. Jakke and my daughter Monnya are four months apart. My sister Cynde and I and our two kids spent a lot of time together before they moved to Pennsylvania.We used to take them to a restaurant in their baby carriers and talk and eat while they slept. Today Jakke was in Denver for a job interview for a position as an accountant.He graduates from college in May and is only interviewing for jobs that are in Denver. I am excited about the possibility of spending more time with him.We have mostly been pretty close. When he was a senior in High School he asked me to teach meditation to the members of his football team. I visited my sister's family in Alamagordo, New Mexico, went hiking with eight burly young men and shared a meditation practice with them.They were very receptive.I appreciated that Jakke respected what I have to offer and wanted to share it with his friends. Jakke is a sensitive, competitive enterprenuerial spirit.He is eager to enter corporate America fully. It is a pleasure to spend time with a person whose take on the world is very different from mine. I enjoy having a window into his world.I am grateful to have a relationship with my nephew that is evolving into an adult friendship.I'm glad I know him. I look forward to knowing him more.
Personality is the strongest when we are in our twenties. If we work on ourselves,as we age we begin to disengage from our egoes, opening more to all of who we are. I love spending time with people in their twenties. They are so different than I was when I was in my twenties.I believe in the evolution of conscousness. Each generation evolves in consciousness beyond the generation before. It is why children can be their parents teachers if the parents are willing to open to that.I admire the energy and motivation I see in the twenty year olds I come into contact with. It would be great to be able to have that energy again and combine it with the acceptance and wisdom I have now. What would it be like to have a conversation with my twenty year old self and see what she has to offer me now?
Maybe if I get quiet and tune into her she has a message for me
that will be valuable to my life now. She says, "You did good. I am proud of you. I am relieved you learned to relax." I let her know that I am grateful to her for all the pain she went through that helped me to be where I am today.I look forward to communicating with her again soon. Experiment with communicating with your own inner twenty year old. It is a way to connect with a twenty year old when there is none available externally.I will write again on Monday.

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