Friday, September 5, 2008


Today was challenging and I feel good about rising to the challenge. I went to the dentist to get a crown. Before I went I called to see how long it would take. I was told two hours. Because I have been there longer than they have told me in the past, I felt safe having three hours and time to get home for the next person I was working with. They took me pretty quickly and things did take longer. My next appointment was at 4 and at 3:20 the hand compressor broke down. I have a history of jaw problems and I knew leaving there with an unfinished crown and a crooked bite would be disasterous for my body. I called the person I was to work with and she answered her phone the second time I called. I was glad I listened to myself and called the second time. It worked better for her to meet an hour later. That was the first blessing. The dentist and her staff tried everything they could think of to fix the compressor. It was looking like I would have to go home with my tooth. I was clear that that wasn't what I wanted to do and I began to surrender to having to do it anyway. Then one of the staff thought of the idea of going to a neighboring dentist's office to use his compressor. That's what we did. That was the second blessing. I was grateful that the dentist had a good enough relationship with her neighbor to have his key and was willing to go to his office to complete the job.
From that point on it felt more like an adventure. The office manager had thought outside of the box and come up with a solution when inside the box there wasn't one. It was very inspiring to me. I believe that my life flows well when I do two things: Do my part and trust in the universe. Two more ideas got officially added to my spiritual philosophy today. Let go of the outcome and surrender to what is. It would have been easy to get really upset with the dentist or the universe today. Being upset with neither, allowed me to be curious and to stay pretty openhearted. I was worried and my mind would jump into the future about how uncomfortable it would've been spending the weekend with an unfinished crown that unbalanced my whole jaw which unbalances my whole body. I was able, in the midst of my worries to be compassionate with myself for worrying. Then I could bring myself back to the present ,where my worst-case scenarios weren't happening.
By the end of it all I was enjoying the ride and I got home in time to eat something with my new even bite before the person came. I know in the past I would've been very rattled, to say the least. I am glad to see progress. It's important to recognize progress and acknowledge ourselves for it. It makes moving forward way easier. Would you be willing to go inside your circle and ask what you remember doing recently that you handled better than you would have in the past? Not perfectly just better. Could you give yourselt credit for it? Would you be willing to acknowledge your progress?
I won't be writing again until Monday. I hope you enjoy yourself this weekend.

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