Thursday, June 5, 2008


What a lovely rainy day. There's something peaceful about an all day rain. Tonight when I was done working and it had cleared I went for a walk and everything was so green. My flowers are humming. They look satisfied. I am quite tired tonight. It feels hard to write. It actually works much better to write during the day when I'm not tired. I know I will feel better after I write. I always do. It is very energizing to write this blog. It is theraputic to share things here both for me and because I imagine what I am writing may be benefitting you. I wonder who is reading this? Feel free to write to me at to share feedback with me about this blog. Is there anything you'd like to hear more about or less about? What has been useful to you? What has impacted your life?
Wednesday I taught my yoga class at noon at Whole Yoga( It was the best yoga class I have ever taught. I am teaching in a circle now and not mirroring. I am no longer saying"raise your right leg" while raising my left. It is an enormous relief to be letting go of that. Trying to mirror was very trying. Letting go of trying to mirror acknowledged that the trying was draining. Giving myself permission to do what I can do, I felt more relaxed and had more space for creative energy to flow through me. Let's hear it for honoring limitations. My critical voice was mostly quiet and I got to enjoy teaching and my students. Being present teaching yoga is quite blissful.
I listened to Barack Obama give his talk after getting enough delegates to be the democratic candidate for president. I was moved to tears by his passion and clarity and presence. He seems like a very humble, smart, spiritually developed person. A friend has a cousin who is a makeup artist who did Barack's makeup when he spoke in Denver. She said that most celebraty types whose make up she does treat her like she is part of the wall paper. When Obama was done giving the interview he gave as she was applying his makeup, he took time to speak to her as a person. She said he was very present and focused and genuinely seemed to care about her and to be interested in her as a fellow human being. I am excited about him running for president. I want to do something to help. I'm not sure what yet. I figure if I really want him to be our next president it's important to do my part to make that happen. It's very heartwarming to see how many young people support him. It's as if they have found a place in our political process that didn't exist before now. I remember the young leaders of my precinct caucus and how inspired I was after that meeting.That was when I decided to support Barack Obama. It gave me hope for the future to see these young passionate commited people who were willing to focus and do the work that needed to be done. Barack Obama just kept showing up even though in the beginning the odds were so against him. I respect that. His energy seems to be fully behind his intention. Barack Obama isn't trying to run for president, he is running for president. May the force be with him.

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